Re: Vitamin c mega dose
Hvergerthi, I hope you are kidding! I have only heard of such advice from the pharmaceutical industry!
Everyone knows calcium is an essential mineral and anyone with a little knowledge about mineral ratios knows that calcium and magnesium work hand in hand at a 2:1 ratio !
You really need to do your homework. It is not only well known that calcium is a muscle contractor, but I have psoted a ton of evidence to this on these boards in the past. And yes, it is essential just like oxygen. And just like oxygen it can be problematic if there is too much of it. Why do you think they use calcium channel blockers to lower blood pressure? Why do you think rigormortis occurs when someone dies? Simple, it is because calcium is causing muscle contractions.
As far as the 2:1 ratio this has been in debate for MANY years. Please keep up with current research!!! For many conditions caused from high serum calcium the magnesium intake actually needs to EXCEED the calcium intake. For example in many cases of muscle cramping, heart arrhythmias, some cases of high blood presusre, spastic bladder.......
I think you should read these posts a little closer, ascorbic acid is ascorbate acid its not an ascorbate or buffered with anything!
I hope no one takes this harmful advice seriously!
To start with ascorbic acid is not ascorbate acid. Ascorbates are buffered. And many people don't know the difference between ascorbic acid and an ascorbate. Yourself for example. But many people know that vitamin C is often referred to as ascorbic acid, and think that products like Ester-C are still ascorbic acid when in fact they are ascorbates. So don't assume that you know exactly what he was taking when you really don't know for sure unless you are now going to claim you are psychic.