>>so...how to do this? a gallon of juice, plus a couple quarts (at least) water, plus the juice/water with superfood (at least quart there), plus 5 IF2 doses/day ( another 80 ounce), plus vaious teas... do people doing the program drink 2 or 3 gallons of liquid total per day?<<
:-) :-) :-)
It's a gallon of juice, period. Including the Supersmoothies and the IF#2s (yes, take your IF2s in juice!). There are the teas, which come to about a half gallon, depending on what you're doing. A LOT of people can't get all this liquid in no matter how hard they try. Dr. Christopher made you drink it till you puked. Then he'd say "Oh good! More room for the next dose!" There was no wimping out with him, not on anything! Not when someone's life was at stake!