Re: Additional thoughts - CE's Re: Where do I find Uny's coffee enema instructions?(EDIT#2)
I have a few questions left after reading your information:
- Just to make sure: When doing a CE, you only insert about 2-3 cups of coffee? This surprised me, because you insert so much more liquid, when doing a high enema. A typical Coffee Enema is 4 cups of solution. High Enemas are for colon cleansing; CE's are for liver & blood detoxifcation. That's why (in the diagram in the post above), you see the hepatic (liver) portal vein, and we keep the solution for a CE in the sigmoid region of the lower colon in order to ensure the coffee solution is in constant contact with the hepatic vein.
- And what exactly is the size of a cup. I have various completely different sizes in my mind when thinking of a cup. Most likely, you mean typical coffee cups, which are always more or less the same size. One cup is 8 fluid ounces U.S. Go the link bar at the top of every CZ page and click on "Convert Units". 8oz = approximately 240 ml.
- You talked about best doing a CE after a natural bowel movement or a quick water enema. Would it be ok, to do a CE right after a high enema (which I'm doing anyways, when on the IP)? This way I wouldn't always have to do an extra quick water enema. Or would there be conflicts with the rectal implant, which is done right after the high enema? There's conflicts with the rectal implants. If you did a CE after a rectal implant, all the implant would come out when you expelled the coffee solution. Most people find it best to do their CE's in the morning. When I do them in the morning, I brew it the night before, have my morning bm and a big glass of water...and just make it part of my waking up routine. You'll find the rhythm/timing that works for you once you get started.
- As far as I understand back-to-back-CEs simply means doing one 2-cup CE, expelling it and then doing a second one. Or is there more to it? That's correct, 4 cups at one time, or 2 cups 'back to back'. I just happen to use 3 cups in my "back to back", but that's a personal choice
- For those, who don't have easy access to S.A. Wilson's coffee: Is there anything we have to pay attention to, when buying the coffee. Of course it has to be organic. Anything else? You should contact S.A. Wilsons about availability in Germany. They have affiliates in many countries (I know they have one in Britain, they may have one in Germany). If you could get unroasted organic beans and grind them yourself, that'd be awesome (but not likely/easy to find). Otherwise, just use regular/normal organic (nothing dark-roasted or espresso, or anything like that).
Thank you for helping and friendly greeting from You're welcome! Expect an email from me in a few hours...for SURE! Unyquity