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Additional thoughts - CE's Re: Where do I find Uny's coffee enema instructions?(EDIT#2)

TheObserver (everybody) -

Thanks for all the information.  I'm pasting it below and adding "thinks & thoughts".  I, too, having been doing CE's for years (1-25 per week, depending upon the week, for 5+ years).  25 a week?!  Sometimes I choose to do 'back to back' enemas with the 4 cups of solution (insert 2 cups, retain/expel, repeat).  So if one counts a 'back to back' as two enemas, and I do that twice daily...that's 4 a day x 7 days = 28.  Gerson had MANY people on his program doing 4 full CE's daily.

(EDIT) woops I just noticed the soffee scoop I am using holds 4 TBS spoons coffee - so I am using 6 TBS coffee for 8 cups of coffee for 2 -15 min enemas at 200 LBS body weight...right, the "standard" recipe is 1 tablespoon of organic coffee per 1 cup of distilled water.  I have made mine stronger occasionally...and I recommend that some people start at 1/2 strength - especially those that have issues where caffeine might be a negative (heart issues, etc).  Most everyone (once they learn/practice) can do the enema with VERY minimal caffeine absorption, but for 'newbies' that might have issues, starting with a weaker solution is a good idea.

I understand the concept of 'adjusting for body weight' (for adults), I just don't know if I subscribe to it.  All adults have a liver; we all have a colon that's filled with the same hepatic portal vein system.  While one may need to adjust the quantity of fluid (until they get used to doing enemas), I can't think of any reason to adjust the strength of the solution due to the overall weight of the body.  The solution strength needed to detoxify the liver is a "constant", based on the works & protocols (and research) of Gerson, Kelley, Gonzalez (and others that have researched 'in depth').

(EDIT#2) wow I learned my lesson - never give advice quickly---:::grin::: I doubt I'll ever stop learning that lesson! Wink UGH it is lying on left side and then on back - lying on right side can cause liquid to flow to upper large intestines...  OK there done!  See diagram below - retaining the solution to get THE most contact with the hepatic artery is the goal.  Hence, keeping the solution in the sigmoid region appears to be the most effect.  An insertion while lying on the left side and staying on the left side is generally most effective.  However, this is why I recommend the use of a stethoscope when doing CE's.  There are times, when moving slightly to my back increases the sounds of the bile flowingj...yet bile production/flow doesn't indicate the blood cleansing effect of the CE.  That may (or may not) happen "silently".  (I don't know if there's any way to correlate 'liver sounds' with that aspect of the CE).

Hi All

I do not want to step on any toes - I have been doing coffee enemas for years now and thought my input maybe helpful...All input and thought are ALWAYS helpful.  "Test Everything; keep that which is good" :)

The fluid per enema should be to proportion to ones body size. I am 200lbs and 4 cups is what feels perfect for my size.  I don't think I agree with that completely (although, like I mentioned, I understand the concept).  The full adult lower colon is capable of holding far more than 4 cups of solution, although 4 cups may be the limit for some in the sigmoid area (the area marked ileo-pelvic colon in the image below is the sigmoid colon).  One can also allow the solution to go further into the descending colon and still get the benefits; however, the higher the fluid is pushed, the more likely it is to not expel it all.  Right now, I (personally) do MUCH better with the back-to-back CE's (using 2-3 cups of solution for each part) I'm in some kind of a phase where I'm finding it VERY difficult to retain 4 cups of coffee solution for even a few minutes, let alone 12-20.  This can be a 'whatever works for you' situation, but I feel we should 'stick to the research' as much as possible - 4 tablespoons of coffee; 4 cups of water.

Enemas can be dangerous if not properly done...yes indeedy...first physician, do NO harm!

1) never have the enema bag over say 3 feet above rectum - this is due to you do not want excessive pressure on the inflow - especially for folks with damaged large intestines...This is a good guideline - if one must hang the bucket/bag higher than this, one can always adjust the flow with the tubing clamp, or simply by squeezing the tubing as the solution enters.   Generally speaking (depending upon whatever "damage" you're speaking of), 4 cups of enema solution into the sigmoid area shouldn't be a problem.

2) The temperature of the solution should NEVER be warmer then Luke warm - If you have a hard time at expelling the solution - simply try cooler solution and this alone should resolve the issue..I agree, the starting temperation should be "luke warm" the 'baby bottle test' should feel "neutral" or just slightly warm to the touch.  Anything cooler than 'slightly warm to the touch' causes me to be unable to retain the solution for more than a few minutes.  I'm sure everybody's individual mileage may vary here.  I have found over the years that 'warmer that slightly warm' causes my liver to produce much more noise/bile flow...but I have NO idea if that's a good thing (or if I'm cooking my liver! argh).

3) One should expel the solution as much as possible - retaining a little is no big deal but you want to excrete your bowel - If one excretes bile and toxins into the bowel and it just stays there... how much have you benefited? for the large intestines are going to suck that back into the liver and we are not really benefiting.. now this is 100% speculation - but it is logical to me...That's logical and MORE than just speculation :)  Anything mixed with bile absorbs VERY quickly back into the bloodstream/liver.  We definitely want to get everything that comes out of the liver out of our intestines to preven reabsorbtion of toxins.

4) incursion tip - keep the short one or get a short small one - make sure to lube well and insert slowly. Common problem is keeping this tiny tip 3in inserted. But going with a larger of bulb type - that damaged me anus... even though I was careful..Owee, yes, the bulb type rectal syringes are sometimes 'wider' and almost always more rigid.  I strongly encourage the use of ONLY soft, flexible tubing with no 'hard' "enema tips" or speculums.  Around this forum, there are MANY of us regularly doing high enemas.  It is very safe to insert the softer tubing (gently, slowly and with due care & caution), all the way to the junction of the transverse colon - there are many people that learn how to work the tubing around the junction/corner to get the tubing into the transverse colon.  This is something that MUST be done with caution & gentleness. NEVER poke or push enema tubing harshly or rapidly.  Personally, I insert the soft tubing well into the sigmoid colon, which is around 6 inches.

5) Best to do a pre flush to get the poo out - this way you can retain the coffee easier and you know you will not be over stretching your large intestine with the fluid + poo volume...Agreed!  Since I have a bm within 20-30 minutes of ingesting any substantial amount of food, I just schedule my enemas for after a bm - but many people need to do a lil' quickie water enema to remove the fecal matter before starting a CE.

6) Lying on your right side when starting enema - this way the solution is flowing down hill... Then you can slowly roll over onto your back...Covered/edited "above".  I'm a "left sider" all the way.

Another method is the doggie style - that is on elbows and knees. I like lying down myself...Doggie style allows the solution to travel all the way to the junction of the transverse colon - it's unlikely one will expel all the solution if the solution goes that 'high'. 

Note: if you roll over to your left side - you are taking the solution deeper then is needed... This leads to coffee jitters etc...just the opposite (diagram above), keeping the solution low and on the left side ensures the greatest volume of release.

hmmm what else... oh

Know that you need to make a sports drink and drink it to replenish your electrolytes... Just a little sea salt and 1/2 lemon works great in a glass of water...If that works for you, that's fine.  But coffee enemas retained in the lower portion of the colon do not adversely effect the level of electrolytes in the bloodstream.  However, if you have data that conclusively shows otherwise, I'd love to see it.  Now Epsom Salts in the solution, that could definitely effect the electrolytic balance.

Also I like to add baking soda to my coffee enemas. I use 1.5 TABLE Spoon coffee (in a SS pan NEVER aluminum)and boil it for 10 minutes in 2-3 cups of water. Then drain into a 2 qt Pyrex measuring cup and then add 1/2 to 1 Tea Spoon Baking soda - watching it boil - looks cool. :) this raises the PH to 7-5 to 9 depending on how much you use. My large intestines seem to like this much better then the low PH over the years... the 1/2 tsp baking soda would likely be best - if you find you need a stronger coffee solution - then you will need more baking soda to bring it from the acid state to neutral or higher... Then you will pour (max luke warm temp) ONLY 1/2 onto enema bag and retain for around 15 min if you can - if not if you feed you really need to go - then go - don't force retain it - or you can balloon your lower large intestine - I have done this....I would never suggest adding baking soda to a coffee enema.  We know that a coffee enema has a specific effect on the liver with the coffee/water (as this has been well researched and documented).  We have no IDEA how the addition of baking soda to the solution effects the efficacy of the CE.  It may enhance it; it may degrade it, and it possible that the two substances reacting together do something that we do NOT want done.  Of course, TheObserver, it's your liver/body (so do whatever you'd like), but as someone that teaches/advises the use of CE's as part as an overall healing protocol, I definitely advise against the addition of any substance to the coffee/water solution.  

Many forums on CZ and much of 'alternative' medicine suggests we should manipulate the pH of the body via the ingestion of different isolated minerals/substances.  In natural healing we prefer to address the CAUSE of pH imbalance and allow the body to use its more advanced intelligence & schematics to do the balancing....unless of course, there's a life-threatening situation.

Also.. I would recommend if you are taking coffee enemas - you will get caffeine into your system so - get up earlier and take it instead of your morning coffee... You will easily be able to reduce your drinking intake - best to quit but I know the real world... we love our coffee :)  For those that assimilate a lot of the caffeine, doing them in the morning is a good idea.  Using a CE to replace "morning coffee" should not be 'the goal' our intent is assimilate as little caffeine as possible.

 OH another tip - when expelling try to bend forward and lift knees up by standing on your toe tips - what you are trying to do is not to apply pressure to the anus - ???  It's just fluid, much less of a strain on the colon than a typical bowel movement. thus preventing hemeroids over time... Enemas done correctly NEVER cause hemorrhoids, nor does healthy/natural bowel activity.  The body weight should be on the front of the toilet - as you sit up straight you can feel more pressure on the anus - this is what you do not want. 4 cups of solution (of which a substantial amount is expelled almost immediately) will not put enough pressure on the anus to do any type of damage. Also you can stand up and lean back and stretch over to left and then the right to exercise the lower bowel - to get all the fluid back out.  There are MANY ways to move the solution 'toward the exit'.  I find that placing my left ankle on my right knee helps move the solution more to the left & downward, and then (alternating) placing my left ankle on my right knee moves the solution more downward and out.  Whatever works :) I have found that the last fluid on the second flush is VERY stinky... and I immediately feel better once it is expelled.... Not always but many times when I was needing to flush...Oh yes, CE's can be stinky (expecially stinky if the colon hasn't ever been thoroughly cleansed).  It's easy to tell the difference (after a bit of experience) between "liver stink" and "poop stink"; stale/toxic bile has an odor that's totally different than putrefying bowel contents.  When either is loosened and then comes into  contact with the portal vein, we ALWAYS feel better getting it out, than letting it reabsorb.

OH and do not use chlorinated water for this will kill all the bacteria - they say you wash out your friendly bacteria... well personally I have not experienced this in over 5 years of doing this...ONLY use distilled or RO filtered water in a CE.  No matter what you use, a low enema will not adversely affect the probiotics in the bowel, as the solution only affects the lower inches of several feet of bowel, and the next bowel movement moving through will replace them.  Whatever is in the solution WILL be headed straight to the liver via the hepatic artery.  Chlorine & fluoride directly to the liver? NO! NO! NO!  (and "NO!" again :)

I know this jumps around - hmm some time I will do a nice write up and post it

but this will help you for now - so you don't have to learn the hard way as I had to... Hopefully, NO one will ever need to learn 'the hard way' with all the support and good information to be found on this forum.  And once I have the chance to get the FAQ compiled and uploaded - the best, safest and most effective protocols & procedures will all be 'one click away' without even having to search through past forum posts. 

Thanks for your input! :) 

Healthiest of blessings -



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