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Re: raw milk fast?
vairagi Views: 7,849
Published: 16 y
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Re: raw milk fast?

While investigating alternative health regimins I pursued raw milk fasting, because of it superior food quality.

I used it for a number of years multiple times in each year. Usually for 6 to 10 days. Tho at the time I appreciated the grass juice (diluted) fasting a lot , I found that the milk fasting was different in a reletivly positive way and so I perfered it to other types of fasting. Noticable w using the raw milk was that my systems energy felt more solid as opposed to water,fruit juice or grass juice diets. Water being the most severe, grass and fruit juices being a bit easier and more energetic, the milk was an interesting ballance of regular eating and not eating, becoming my favortite form of limiting diet.

After 6 years I decided to do a bit more research and discovered that while fasting the raw milk, tho fine in so many regards, was actually slowing down and lessening cleansing. My system would stay at a certain state, a ballanced healthy feeling state, but a seemingly very slow cleansing actuality.

Ehret advised that it was the milks ash content that would cause this. Not a complete negative, but if we are limiting diet because of an ailment this might be enough to eliminate milk as a choice. Especially if we consider that many fasting adepts advise that completely cleansing a system takes a long time if we are only doing short fasts, which would fit into my thinking on whether to use milk or not because of its properties.

All in all I now find that the point for me is rather than to deprive the system it is to sensitize it. Fruit and grass juice fasting keeps the system fueled with appropriate nutrician, raw milk does the same thus I find no reason to avoid it



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