Candida mind control parasite ?
To me Candida is a mind control parasite. When you take antifungals to kill it. you got depression. It is like the candidas would send a message to your brain saying: "stop doing what we do". So then, you start to doubt and you stop your garlic, mms, lapacho intake...
it is also interesting, we become very sensitive to any chemicals perfume. So you cant take chemicals like mms or h202, garlic, but you can eat sweets and sugar. It is also like the candida where influencing you.
Also you got more bad symptoms by killing the candidas than not killing the candidas. It means diarhea, vomiting, cold hands, exhaustion, itching body, spaceness..etc..etc..
In my case, to recover from candida, i got a rule:
No pain, no gain.
So the only possibility to recover from Candida, you have to be very strong mentally.