Help Enclosed...Re: Bleeding Ulcers
My apologies for the long delay :::sigh::: I am SO sorry I haven't had a chance to get you the answers you need before now :(
Let's take this point by point, and then summarize. I've had a chance to read through about 2 pages of your past posts, and I would like to first explain that in successful natural healing we strive to get at the root cause (or the cause behind the cause behind the symptom). Generally this is always a FULL body approach, because all systems in the body ARE interconnected (there's generally no way to isolate just one system/organ and expect to have a true healing). But before I go into that, first we need to get your bad symptoms under some level of control.
Hello - my blood tests returned today with my iron, once again, very low including low hemoglobin. Do you have a juicer? If so what kind? You will want to start drinking LOTS of freshly juiced beet juice a.s.a.p. Please read this: JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy!
It is imperative that you read the entire article (it's not that long), as juice fasting is something that will speed your healing substantially. Pay particular attention to the story about low homoglobin & beet juice :)
I am very, very tired. I'm sure you are :( I had an endoscopy about 4 months ago and the biopsy showed no H Pylori or anything else but, the stomach photos were all red. Since H. Pylori is frequently associated with bleeding ulcers and you say the pictures were "all red", I assume this means you've been told you have a bleeding ucler. (???) I'm going to continue with that assumption.
There's no doubt in my mind we can fix this entire situation, but after reading your past posts I see you've been playing "supplement roulette" for quite a long time...and it appears (like most that play that game) that you're crapping out. In order for you to understand completely why most supplements are NOT going to work, please read this post before you reply (yes :::grin::: there WILL be a test :)
Well, I have been taking iron, DGL, Mastic, aloe vera, etc. but was shocked to see my low test results today. Here's likely a shocker - our bodies assimilate EXTREMELY little of the iron supplements we take. "Supplements" in general are "anti healing" because our bodies are NOT designed to eat rocks & metals (plant bodies ARE designed to eat rocks & metals and turn them into "human assimilable" minerals & nutrients) When blood levels are "off", the answer isn't to slam them with something that's not even natural to make the test results look alright (which sometimes works and sometimes doesnt); the answer is to find out WHY the blood level is off, and then correct the CAUSE of the problem. Our bodies are natural. They respond to natural things. Ever see an "iron tree"? or a "DGL bush"? nope. If I handed you an iron pipe and told you to grind it up and eat it, how much of that do you think you'd assimilate into your bloodstream? And what harm might that do to an already severely compromised digestive tract. You're already experiencing some of the harm it would do and has done. I am so tired that when I just took out the garbage to the curb, by the time I came back I was huffing and puffing and could barely move - I have been dealing with this for several years now. So let's get to the root of it. You're likely not ingesting enough GOOD nutrition, you're obviously not assimilating enough nutrition, your stomach is bleeding...and my guess is you're constipated (constipated = having less that 3-5 bowel movements daily, like every other animal in the world does...and you did too, before your parents started feeding you food that's unnatural to the human body). You've likely never done a full and thorough colon cleanse or a series of liver flushes (and other organ cleansing & restoration)...and your body (originally a Ferrari) has been running on hyperdrive for decades with 'poisoned fuel' and virtually no maintenance. And now you're starting to the see the results. I see that you're basically vegan - good for you! But sadly, eating a primarily vegan diet in these troubled/toxic times, just isn't enough :( Yes, I am going to get to the "solution"...or at least what you can do to start, to get these brutal symptoms under control :)
Do you have any natural remedies to stop the bleeding? They had me taking Prilosec at first but I stopped taking it because I do not like taking drugs - Prilosec stops your stomach from producing acids. Acid isn't your problem - acid doesn't cause stomach ulcers, or everybody would have one. Please don't take anymore Prilosec - it makes your stomach worse and it compromises your liver. I'm glad to hear you don't like taking drugs - good for you (again!)
Any help or guidance will be so much appreciated and I thank you in advance - I am taking cayenne 100,000 hunits as per Trapper's advice. That's good advice - but I don't see anything in any of your posts about your intense reaction to 100,000 HU cayenne that's encapsulized. The first time you took a couple of those (assuming they ARE created with 100,000 H.U. Cayenne), you should have doubled-over in pain & we NEVER take "therapeutic hot grade" cayenne in capsules. Hmmm, I think perhaps you think you're taking 100,000 Heat Unit cayenne pepper that's encapsulated. Please tell me the brand name...I've never heard of anyone encapsulating 100,000 H.U. cayenne. I've just sent you some links for downloading about Cayenne & bleeding (and ulcer and other benefits) - check your inbox for the links.
Thank you again - please help. I do not want to be in the doctor's hands again - ever since I had that endoscopy my stomach has been in constant pain every day - this never happened before. Endoscopies can be BRUTAL - it likely made you MUCH worse.
What should I do? You should start cleansing & healing your entire digestive tract immediately, so you can start assimilating nutrients. We'll work/heal the bleeding at the same time (with 150,000 H.U.+ cayenne powder, and slippery elm porridge), getting your stomach/gut healed while plowing you full of "top grade fuel" that your body CAN utilize & assimilate (focusing on plant-based iron, minerals and other easily assimilated nutrients) that it has the energy and ability to do the healing work you're asking it to do - and once we get you 'out of the weeds', we can talk about restoring and healing all your other issues)
Here's the plan:
-- Start a juice fast IMMEDIATELY (you'll understand why this essential as soon as you've read the first link); you're going to try to be ingesting one gallon of freshly juiced juice daily...a lot of it beet juice. You'll likely not be able to ingest an entire gallon, but that's the goal.
--Start taking 4-6 Tablespoons of "Superfood Original" Daily, with 1 Tablespoon of organic Blackstrap molasses (which contains iron & other easily assimilated nutrients) in every Superfood smoothie (this smoothie will be 2-3x daily, it can be part of your daily "juice" quota, and it can have a piece of fruit in it, your choice. (read about Superfood here: SuperFood by Dr. Schulze If it were my body, I'd be taking 6T daily (I currently take 4T daily for basic nutrition, and it sounds like I'm just about as vegan as you are...some eggs occasionally, etc).
--150,000 HU Cayenne powder NOT encapsulized daily, working up from 1/8-1/4 teaspoon 5x daily, to 1/2-1 teaspoon 5x daily....working up to the 1/2 teaspoon daily as fast as you possibly can (download & read the files in your inbox to understand it all :) After taking each dose you may wash it down with all the water you need, but do not take any juice or other herb for at least 30 minutes.
--IF#1 capsules (Intestinal Formula #1) a blend of cathartic herbs that make you poop. If you're not pooping 3x daily, you start taking these immediately.
--IF#2 (Intestinal Formula #2) you'll be taking 1 heaping teaspoon of this (mixed with juice and followed by 8oz of water) 5x daily, for 30 days (you want the kind with ground flax, not whole flax) Here's how IF#1 & #2 works to heal and cleanse your entire intestinal tract (and how to use it) :
--Slippery Elm Porridge (read about it here: and here:
); it's tastier if made with apple juice than made with water. You want at least 1 cup daily, but 3 cups would be take this at least 30 minutes after every dose of cayenne, you can take it with the IF#2. Slippery Elm contains calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iodine, sodium, selenium and some potassium. It also contains phosphorus and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, K, and P
--Yellow Dock Tea - This herb has an incredible amount of easily assimilated iron. 1 cup 3-5x daily
--I'm not sure if I believe the "no H. Pylori present" do you feel about that? Either way, you need a 4 oz bottle of Echinacea tincture to bolster your immune system and fight infection that's likely throughout your digestive tract and body. And if you feel like they might have missed the H. Pylori, then you want to ingest 5 cloves of chopped raw garlic daily.
--You officially have my permission to ditch ALL the rest of the supplments (unless you assure me that the aloe is either fresh gel -no leaf- or TOP quality/organic gel)
Herbal Apothecary
So, once you get finished reading all of the links and understand how it works together, ask any questions you may have, or if you understand it already, you can find EVERYTHING you need at the Herbal Apothecary above (except the produce for juicing, a quality juicer, and the Blackstrap molasses). I've gone ahead and listed everything you need, in case you want to go ahead and get it ordered/on the way:
Under "Other Formulas"
Qty 2 Cayenne/Capsium Powder
Qty 2-3 Superfood Original
Qty 1 IF#2 (30 days worth, ground flax)
Qty 1 IF#1 (100 capsules, you may need more, or you may need less/none)
Under "Single Herbs/Items"
Qty 1 ...1/2 pound of Slippery Elm Bark Powder
Qty 1 ...Miscellaneous $15 (this will be the Yellow Dock Root)
Under "Tinctures"
Qty 1 ...4 oz Echinacea Tincture
If myself or my husband (or anyone I love) were reporting your symtpoms, this is EXACTLY what I'd suggest. How sure am I it will work? Well, assuming you've told me the entire 'picture', there aren't other complications, and you're not taking any pharmaceuticals, other "isolated" or unnatural supplements, or OTC's...I'd say the chances of this working are oh, hmm, about 100% :) And when you've got this done, you're all set up to start healing that insidious joint pain and osteo (that I bet you're still dealing with). And if you want to address that now, there's some things we could get you started on for that :)
Healthiest of blessings (from the bottom of my natural healers heart!)