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Dr.Richar Shulze
Dr. Richard Schulze

Bowel Cleanse

Intestinal Corrective Formula # 1 by Dr.Schulze

Intestinal Corrective Formula #2

Herbs for Nutrition and Colon Cleanse Program

Dr. Richard Schulze

Formulas and Therapeutic Action


Intestinal Corrective Formula # 1 by Dr.Schulze

Therapeutic action: This stimulating tonic is both cleansing, healing and strengthening to the entire gastro-intestinal system. It stimulates your peristaltic action ( the muscular movement of the colon ) and over time strengthens the muscles of the large intestine, halts putrefaction and disinfects, soothes and heals the mucous membrane lining of your entire digestive tract. This herbal tonic also improves digestion, relieves gas and cramps, increases the flow of bile which, in turn, cleans the gallbladder, bile ducts and liver, destroys Candida albicans overgrowth and promotes a healthy intestinal flora, destroys and expels intestinal parasites, increases gastrointestinal circulation and is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.

Ingredients: Curacao and Cape Aloe leaf ( Aloe spicatal and ferox), Senna leaves and pods (Cassia officinalis), Cascara Sagrada aged bark (Rhanmus purshiana), Barberry rootbark ( Berberis vulgaris ), Ginger rhizome ( Zingiber officinalis), Garlic bulb ( Allium sativum ) and African Bird Pepper ( Capsicum africana).

Contra-indications: Do not use during pregnancy without the guidance of a health care professional.

Start with only one capsule of this formula during or just after dinner. This Formula works best when taken with food, The next morning you should notice an increase in your bowel action and in the amount of fecal matter that you eliminate. The consistency should also be softer. If you do not notice any difference in your bowel behavior today or the difference wasn't dramatic, then tonight increase your dosage to two capsules. You can continue to increase your dosage every evening by one capsule until you notice a dramatic difference in the way your bowel works. There is no limit. Most people need only 2-3 capsules but a few have needed over 30 capsules. It has taken most of us years to create a sluggish bowel, so let us be patient for a few days and increase by one capsule each day only.

This formula can be taken for a week, a month or the rest of your life. Continue to use this formula until you are having one bowel movement each day for every meal you eat, between. 2 and 4 bowel movements a day are normal. Considering all the disease and death we have because of retained fecal matter, I wouldn't worry about taking too much of this formula.

Note: See Basic Cleansing and Detoxification for data on bowel types and instructions for each.



Intestinal Corrective Formula #2 by Dr. Schulze

Therapeutic Action: This cleansing and soothing formula is to be used periodically in conjunction with Intestinal Corrective Formula #1. This formula is a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum. This formula will draw old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets. It will also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and even remove radioactive material such as strontium 90. This formula will also remove over 3,000 known drug residues. Its natural mucilaginous properties will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal and also make it an excellent remedy for any inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

Ingredients: organic Flax seed ( Linum usitatissimum ), Apple Fruit Pectin, Pharmaceutical Grade Bentonite Clay, Psyllium seed and husk ( Plantago Species), WildCrafted Slippery Elm inner bark (Ulmus flilva), Organic Marshmallow root ( Althea officinalis), Organic Fennel seed ( Foeniculum vulgare ) and Activated Willow charcoal ( Salix alba).

Take this formula 5 times each day beginning in the morning for 5-6 days consuming a total of 8 ounces of the powdered formula during this period. One hour after your morning nutritional drink mix 1 heaping teaspoon of Intestinal Formula #2 powder with 8 ounces of diluted juice. It mixes best if you shake it in a small jar. Do the same ½ hour before lunch, between lunch and dinner, ½ hour before dinner and 1 hour before bed, so that you are consuming a total of 5 heaping teaspoons each day. During or after dinner, take your Intestinal Formula #1 as usual but increase your regular dosage by 1 additional pill, or more if necessary to have sufficient bowel movements. It is helpful to drink additional liquid after each dose of Intestinal Corrective Formula #2, at least 8 ounces.

The following notice comes from the 600 page user manual accompanying the "Safe Your Life Video Collection" by Dr. Schulze and purchased by Sam Biser.



Correction Notice for User Manual

After using the intestinal formula #1 for at least a week, begin the colon cleansing formulas mentioned in the chapter on bowel cleansing in the User Manual. This comes before anything else you do. Take the Number Two Intestinal Formula 6 times a day, and do NOT decrease the number of times you take it by using more formula less often. You want the formula in your colon at all times, and not sporadically.

Then, you will notice parasites being removed, casing of old fecal matter coming out, and mucus. If you take the number two formula erratically or once or twice a day, this will not happen.



Basic Cleansing and Detoxification Program - Dr. Schulze.


Digestive system and colon health have reached an-all-time low in the developed countries. Diseases of the digestive tract are on the rise.

In 1994 the #1 Cancer (USA) among men and women was Colon Rectal.


Modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs. Refined, processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, a lack of exercise and an ever-increasing level of stress all contribute to our current gastrointestinal health crisis.


The frequency at which a normal, healthy person should move their bowels has been a great misconception among the public and most medical professionals. For years, doctors have thought that anywhere between 1 bowel movement a day and 1 a week was normal. In the examination of more primitive peoples, we find that their bowels move much more frequently, 2 to 3 times daily on the average. This is due to the fact that these people eat better, get more exercise and have much less stress. What we have learned is that it is normal to have 1 bowel movement a day for each meal you eat, (if you eat 3 meals you should have 3 bowel movements).


The Merck Manual, the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, tells us that colon degeneration is on the rise. The incidence of diverticulosis has increased dramatically over the last 40 years. It states, that in 1950, only 10% of adults over the age of 45 had this disease, in 1955 15%, in 1972 30% and in 1987 almost ?. The latest edition states that the incidence "increases rapidly" over age 40 and that "every person will have many" if they live long enough. Every American adult will have herniation of the large intestine.


Diverticula are saccular herniations that protrude through the wall of the colon. These "bowel pockets" are almost always asymptomatic, (you can't feel them). They are caused by a sluggish constipated bowel. These pockets fill with old fecal material which can be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. This can infect the entire body causing all types of toxic reactions.


A sluggish bowel can retain pounds of old, toxic and poisonous fecal matter. Many times the real cause behind sickness and disease is this retention and reabsorption of this toxic waste

The first step in everyone's health program should be stimulating, cleaning and toning all the elimination organs, and the bowel is the best place to begin.


Day #1: Start with only one capsule of Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 during or just after dinner. This formula works best when mixed with food.


Day #2: This morning you should notice an increase in your bowel action and in the amount of fecal matter that you eliminate. The consistency should also be softer. If you do not notice any difference in your bowel behavior today or the difference wasn't dramatic, then tonight increase your dosage to two capsules. You can continue to increase your dosage every evening by one capsule until you notice a dramatic difference in the way your bowel works. It has taken most of us years to create a sluggish bowel so let's be patient for a few days and increase by one capsule each day only.

By the end of the first week you, should know what your dosage is. If not, then remain on this formula alone for an additional week to get regulated before you go on to the next step.


Week #2: At the beginning of week two is when we begin to start the Intestinal Corrective Formula #2. We will take this formula 5 times each day beginning in the morning. One hour after your morning nutritional drink, mix 1 heaping teaspoon of Intestinal Corrective #2 powder with 8 ounces of diluted juice. It mixes best if you shake it in a small jar. Do the same ½ hour before lunch, between lunch and dinner, ½ hour before dinner and 1 hour before bed, so that you are consuming a total of 5 heaping teaspoons each day.

During or after dinner, take your Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 as usual but increase the dosage you discovered the first week by 1 additional pill. If you feel a bit bound by the #2 formula, you can increase your dosage of the #1 formula even more.


Helpful Hints: It is helpful to drink additional liquid after each dose of Intestinal Corrective Formula #2, at least 8 more ounces. Drink plenty of pure water, herb teas and diluted fruit and vegetable juices during this two-week colon cleanse. A good amount is between 64 and 128 ounces of liquid each day. This makes the program more effective.

Common Sense Health and Healing
by Richard Schulze

 ISBN: 0967156750

Price: US$ 16.00

Available from  - Available from Barnes & Noble

Check Availability from: Canada ... United Kingdom ... Deutchland ... France ... Japan


20 Simple, Easy and Powerful Steps to Create a New Healthy Life.
What if there was an option to Doctors, Drugs and Surgeries...that you could prevent and even heal diseases just by making simple changes in your daily routine?

After spending 20 years in clinical practice helping tens of thousands of patients heal themselves, Dr. Schulze discovered that there are certain basic health habits that can help anyone regain their health and even heal disease.

Inside this book are 20 very simple ideas, some so simple you will be shocked. Yet put into practice each and every one of them was powerful and effective enough to change his patients' lives, heal their diseases and create vibrant health.

Following these steps can change your life, too!

Dr. Richard Schulze Biorgaphy

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Where to obtain Herbs and more Information?

  • Dr. Richard Schulze's Shop: The American Botanical Pharmacy,  Phone: 1-800-HERB-DOC (1-800-4372-362) (1-800-TEACH-ME)  Website:
  • The School of Natural Healing.

  • Clarkia -Parasites Killing Tincture
  • Most of Christopher's tapes are available here:
  • Some of the tapes are only available while pursuing education through The School of Natural Healing.
  • One excellent video tape that has a lot of the tincture making info is the video:
  • Some of the tapes include 
    • HEALING CANCER NATURALLY (4 Audio Tape Series)
  • The videos
    • The Dr. Richard Schulze Story + Testimonials (2 hrs.)
    • Dr. Richard Schulze's Natural Healing Crusade (8 Video Series):
      • VOLUME NO. 1:
        • (1) The Natural Healing Revolution Begins! 
        • (2) Dr. Richard Schulze's Personal Healing Miracles. 
        • (3) What Natural Healing Is NOT!
      • VOLUME NO. 2: 
        • (1) The Difference Between Natural Healing and Medical Intervention. 
        • (2) What Determines Your Level of Health? 
        • (3) The Foundation of Natural Healing (Simplicity, Change and Responsibility. 
        • (4) Blockage: The Cause of ALL Disease!
      • VOLUME NO. 3: Elimination: The FIRST Step.
      • VOLUME NO. 4: Dr. Schulze's 3 Healing Food Programs.
      • VOLUME NO. 5: 
        • (1) Natural Child Birth, Natural Death, Dangers of Suppression, Diabetes and Enzymes.
        • (2) Dr. Schulze's 3 Healing Food Programs (Cont'd).
      • VOLUME NO. 6: 
        • Movement
        • Circulation
        • Hydrotherapy.
      • VOLUME NO. 7: The Healing Power of Your Mind and Emotions.
      • VOLUME NO. 8: 
        • (1) Immunization, A.I.D.S., SuperTonic, and the Snuff Experience. 
        • (2) Healing Testimonials, Healing Animals with Herbs and MORE on Natural Healing.

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