15 y
Bleeding Ulcers
Hello - my blood tests returned today with my iron, once again, very low including low hemoglobin.
I am very, very tired. I had an endoscopy about 4 months ago and the biopsy showed no H Pylori or anything else but, the stomach photos were all red.
Well, I have been taking iron, DGL, Mastic, aloe vera, etc. but was shocked to see my low test results today. I am so tired that when I just took out the garbage to the curb, by the time I came back I was huffing and puffing and could barely move - I have been dealing with this for several years now.
Do you have any natural remedies to stop the bleeding? They had me taking Prilosec at first but I stopped taking it because I do not like taking drugs - Prilosec stops your stomach from producing acids.
Any help or guidance will be so much appreciated and I thank you in advance - I am taking cayenne 100,000 hunits as per Trapper's advice.
Thank you again - please help. I do not want to be in the doctor's hands again - ever since I had that endoscopy my stomach has been in constant pain every day - this never happened before.
What should I do?