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Hi Marks, I remember you
MidlothianGirl Views: 1,972
Published: 21 y
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Hi Marks, I remember you

I got lots of improvement after my 8th flush and second colonic, which coincided with my 8th flush. I had done lots of enemas up to that point, because I always did that after I flushed. This is when I feel I got my biggest breakthrough. During this time, I was using the footpads. I always felt so wonderful when I used them. When I woke up in the morning, I felt so refreshed. Keep in mind that while liverflushing, I passed 3 liverflukes and many parasite eggs, as well as several worms. I did NOT KNOW I had these parasites, and I DID NOT do a parasite cleanse.

I have been eating pretty well over the past 15 or so years, and I did periodic cleanses, so none of this is new to me. Perhaps good eating habits and periodic cleanses helped me a lot in that compared to some people, my symptoms weren't unmanageable. I have had serious eye problems (irisitis; could have blinded me), and I had symptoms of m.s. However, I did benefit greatly by finding the world's best and most potent pycnogenol. It's a great anti-inflammatory, and also builds the blood/brain barrier, which is very important to people with m.s. However, I do feel that since removing the stones from my liver, that the "root" of the m.s. is gone. Having said that, however, I do believe I've been fortunate since my various symptoms have so dramatically improved since last September.

In any event...I'm of the opinion that dilating the bile ducts with Epsom Salts isn't that important if you are not experiencing tremendous gallbladder attacks. Even in the event of a stuck stone during a flush, you can still stop the attack by taking lots of malic acid and Epsom Salts . I'm really not that worried about having a stuck stone, plus, I've pretty much flushed them all out, unless I make more. I stopped the Epsom Salts after the 5th flush because I just felt AWFUL the day after flusing, and I couldn't sleep very well. I was weak, dehydrated, and felt TERRIBLE if I took epsom salts. I drink magnesium citrate the day after I take my oil/grapefruit mixture and then take psyllium and Bentonite shakes as well. I then do an enema the day after I pass my stones, because it's hard to do an enema when you are having diarrhea; at least for me, anyway.

Was Shelley's concern that the footpads would stir up toxins? I'm not too sure about should go to Dr. Vinograd's forum and ask him for sure about that...he's the expert.

Hang in there Marks, I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for. It's that missing puzzle piece that you need, and I'm sure you'll will find it. I truly believe that.

God bless you on your journey to good health.


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