Re: Msg. to Midlothian Girl
I read another post by you at another site. It sounded like we have many of the same symptoms. I am sensitive to food, chemicals, vitamins, medicines, shampoos, lotions, etc. I feel as though I am falling apart. My main symptom is migraine associated vertigo.
You said you saw greater improvement when you started colon cleansing. Do you do this thru
colonics only or do you also use enemas?
You also said you saw an improvement when you stopped using
Epsom Salts . What was the es doing to you?
Also, what is your protocol for liver flushing. What do you use to dilate the bile ducts? Do you do an enema the next day or does the mag. citrate give you diahrrea to pass the stones?
I have done 8 lf netting about 1000 stones and only 1
colonic after the last flush. I can't say that I feel any better (although I did notice an improvement after the 1st three flushes)
You also had said you felt better using the foot pads but Shelley had advised me not to use them. Any thoughts on this?
Forgive me for asking so much - but I just thought you might have some nugget of information that would help me.