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Re: OK then... lets see where this goes

Herbal tinctures and supplements
Hulda Clark Cleanses

helpmerhonda Views: 3,083
Published: 16 y
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Re: OK then... lets see where this goes

No tech, you are not nearly as bad as that guy and whole lot more respectful. i have a few things to add to your list if you dont mind.

1. Colon cleanser : this was the first med I bought(helped me too because it eliminated the food feeding the candida)

2. Multivitamin aka probiotics (probiotics help because they keep candida in check)

3. ZENTEL - (I was told I only needed one dose of ivermectin gold which was supposed to be for all worms, it didnt kill a flea, prazi did nothing, and vermox did nothing)

the rest is a strong fruits and vegetables based diet and I enjoy eating them :-). Exercise when I get the change help relax me and keep stress level at a minimum.(high protein/low carb/green veggie diet helped me to, it feeds less candida)

If you take oreganol p73, it fights the candida and parasites at the same time, while keeping your odor under control. If I took this 3 times a day with the low carb/high protein diet then it worked wonders at covering up the odor. Once i stopped, the odor came back. Good luck with whatever you try.


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