First of all none of us are doctors and if we make any suggestions to each other the wise thing would be is for us to go to our docs and ask them for certain test to see if we have certain ailments. Some of us have had this problem for most of our lives and have been tested for certain stomach problems ect.. But it you have taken liver cleanse and other things to say it's a worm problem will not fly with everyone because for some of us this is a blood bourne problem especially since worms usually make people eat a lot. I know we are all here to help one another but we really need to use wisdom and be careful what we say. Trust me for some of us who may have TMAU symtoms we do many many cleanses and some people in this forum are the cleanest people on the planet. So I know I'm not a Dr. Myself but some folks are willing to try anything so only suggestions please and be careful not to diagnose anyone unless you have complete facts. Because some people have high blood pressure or may be diabetic and some of these things can be hazordous thats why we all have to be careful, God bless.