Re: Wen- Your Integrative Dr and biofeedback
Hi JM,
I have a cpl different people that I'm wrkg with. One is the accupuncurist/biomeridian guy and he doesn't use vials or muscle testing. He uses copper tube and place conducter on my other hand. I asked him to ck the brain. He hadn't thought of ammonia and I asked him to ck for that and bingo, I was loaded with it. I came up positive for babesia, which i asked him to ck for once and neg again. I did ck for those things Newport said and i was neg.
My integrative MD has testing in his office but he said its quite expensive. I can't really afford the MD that I'm seeing but he is quite cutting edge, German and very smart so I'm eating it because I wanted his guidance. He asked me the last time if I thought I might have Morgellons and I said no. He asked that because of all the sores on my neck. Thats what happens sometimes when I place the zapper there. I thought it might be hatchlings exiting but he wants me to be testing on the meridian for all worms.
Is lyme and morgellons the same thing?
I went several years ago to a bio guy that was dead on and I might call him tomorrow.
The MRI would go through my HMO if I can convince them but they just wanted to put me on antidepressants last time. I said I'm not depressed, I'm frustrated.
I guess I am a bit depressed at times but not ready to take anything for it.
I'm fortunate that I'm still working, excersizing, and other things but this takes up so much of my time but what are you going to do.
I'm in LA and don't know if there are any good
parasite practionars here? You'd think there would be but I do like the German MD, I just can't see him as much as I'd like.
Last night the
parasites were so active in the head region. must be the full moon coming like you said.
I just took a dose of coconut oil/coq10. Sunday is usually a good day for me to do treatment.
Thank you so much for your experience....