Wen- Your Integrative Dr and biofeedback
I have questions for you.
What type of biofeedback is it your Integrative Dr is doing with you?
Is it muscle testing?
Does he use vials to test with?
How did he determine before that you had Babesia?
I have a couple more questions for you, but if it were me, with the way mine does the different types of muscle testing- I would have him specifically touch the area where you are feeling whatever it is you are feeling, and at the same time test with the vials.
If it is biofeedback computer testing, rather than running a general test, I would have him test specifically. On the computer testing the Alternative Dr does with me, you have to have the exact, scientific name of the
parasite (s) you are wanting to check for.
You were asking Newport before for specific things to have your Integrative Dr check for--did he do that for you??
I don't know how the SCIO type that Newport has works..if it scans specific organs/areas, but with the MSAS Professional (Biomeridian Professional) it works with accupuncture points. The good thing for me is that he is also licensed in accuncture, and knows the points/meridians well. Biofeedback of any kind..is only as good as the person that is doing them knows. That includes muscle testing.
The computer testing for me, shows specific areas/organs that go with the accupuncture point. If that organ/area is showing to be extremely high, like most all of mine were this last appt, then he is able to run through and see what it is that is causing problems that need to be addressed as priorities. Parasites, bacterias, fungi, viruses, toxins, chemicals--there's a bunch of things he can check out to see what is going on.
I would hope he would be able to test for specifics, and would be willing to test you for certain
parasites to look for. Biofeedback testing is how Newport is able to keep on top of what is showing up for him. He's said before that Taenia Solium cysts are found everywhere in the body (like the picture of the xray for the cysts in the thigh muscles)
If your practitioner is willing to check out your "suspicions", and does have ways to check for the exact parasites, you'll need to write down the scientific names. If you go to him and tell him to check for "tapeworm cysts", or just "tapeworm"--that's very general.
Is he able to test you with the products to see what shows good for you or not?
If so, have him test you with the Humaworm and see if it comes up as a good product for you to be using or not for what you are killing right now.
If you can afford another MRI, it might relieve your mind one way or the other, but xrays of the thigh muscles (if you can convince them) might be better to show cysts if they are there.
I would personally have more faith in a good biofeedback practitioner than I would in going through trying to convince Dr's you think you have a worm in your head that you need to have another MRI for. But, it might be worth peace of mind if it was 100% reliable to indicate something one way or the other for you...