More Tincture Q&A
confused2009 wrote:
will the tincture's effect/potency be diminished if added
to hot tea?
I'm no tincture expert, so I cannot give you a direct answer for your question. But, I do know for a fact that you can add the kidney tincture to the kidney hot/warm TEA in Dr. Sch's 5-day kidney flush.
Note that you do NOT apply the same rule to Dr. Sch's liver tea. It's best to take the liver tincture on its own to get the bitter effect.
Also, Uny wrote:
Use the following "general rule" for ALL tinctures. They are alcohol based, and we'd like to get them into our systems as quickly as possible. What's the fastest way to get smashed/drunk? (lol, I mean, get herbal tinctures into our bloodstream)? Take them on an empty stomach :) Will the alcohol/herbs get in there if you don't take them on an empty stomach? Sooner or later, for sure and for certain :)
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-Hope this helps, tie