Re: high dose Nitazoxanide for blastocystis hominis?
These are CLASSIC Blasto symptoms especially the inability to eat grains. Blasto feeds off carbs. There is much evidence of similar symptoms on Jackie's badbugs site. There are different strains of Blasto so some people are asymptomatic. I don't know about taking the single dose of Nit but people emailed me (in the UK) who had Blasto who took the triple drugs. Most were totally OK taking the course. It's only for 10 days (unlike the 20 days for the drugs I had to take for DF). However I wouldn't like to have worked during the course, the fatigue was IMMENSE.
colonics are very useful if you can do them. Both before, during and after the course. Doing BMs is crucial to reduce reactions.
If you are adamant about taking the drugs so be it. But I have to say I am having GREAT success taking Chinese medicine. I found a good practitioner and the improvement in my health is enormous and so quickly too. The drugs may well get rid of the
parasite but they sure don't make you better. Not one single person who contacted me via Jackie's site for help with getting prescriptions in the UK emailed me to say they were cured. I have spoke to my Chinese doctor about
parasites and she tells me that she has medicine to treat parasites. I will take it if I still have an issue (I did test clear of DF some time ago) but for the moment my symptoms are responding well to her treatment.
I have been posting on Curezone for 5 years and I can honestly say Chinese medicine is the best thing I have taken in 5 years. And it has been a long hellish path.