Re: The acid test?
Moreless proposes the use of pickling lime water in the context of an alkalyzing drink that includes lemon juice (or apple cider vinegar) and blackstrap molasses.
This and the baths (
Epsom Salt and H2O2) he proposes as part of his protocol to compensate for the poor quality foods that most people would eat as part of a "balanced" diet.
His basic point is that choosing the right foods is not just choosing the right KINDS of foods (ie more fruits and vegetables) but also choosing foods of sufficient QUALITY that are grown in proper conditions so that they contain the nutrients that our body needs to function.
He points out that most fruits and vegetables nowadays are picked when unripe, shipped from far away places, and grown in poor soil with pesticides and large amounts of nitrogen-based fertilizers. If you rely on this quality of fruits and vegetables, you are need some help to improve your health.
This is why he proposes the drink and the baths.
It all makes plenty of common sense.
Pickling lime is just a calcium supplement. This form of calcium is used when people like Tropicana fortify juice with calcium (ie orange juice). Used in moderation in the context of the protocol I have found it to be perfectly safe and a critical piece of my ever improving health.