Applause APPLAUSE! WOOHOO TIERRA! Re: Epsom Salt + OO = Tiny Gray/Green Stones :D
>>>Did another
Coffee-Enema with castor oil pack and liver/
parasite tincture. Voila! I finally saw some tiny (2mm) grayish green stones floating in the butt pee! <<<
FANTASTIC! People think that CE's are not effective, but they are SO wrong!!!
And it's seems to me like you've got this figgered out, and that you are WELL on your way to totally regaining your health!
Folks, sometimes it takes some time to get it figured out and done, but this lady has STUCK WITH IT! She's had some AWFUL days, but the combination of the juice-fasting (which gave her body so much more energy to focus on the healing), and doing things NATURALLY (without throwing every balance and system off-kilter with symptoms band-aids), has been the perfect prep...and given her the right symptoms to read so she can now do what it takes to help her body heal! AWESOME JOB, TIERRA!! This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work!
If we shut down and cover up our body's symptoms, we just keep getting more symptoms, but after less than two weeks of working on it, she's gotten to the root of 10 YEARS worth of problems!
Geez, I'm just about ready to cry, I am SO happy for you!!
'Getting out gallbladder/
liver stones with a bit of ES, some tincture and a CE...means your gallbladder and liver is chock full...and this upcoming flush is going to be a HUGE success. (I mean HUGE).
>>>Did another
Coffee-Enema with castor oil pack and liver/
parasite tincture. Voila! I finally saw some tiny (2mm) grayish green stones floating in the butt pee! :D <<<
And see, you're learning to listen to your doctor within. You didn't ask if you should do a
Coffee-Enema or take the liver tincture, you just did it. You'd learned by reading posts enough about the CE to know how it works, and you asked enough questions to know about the liver tincture...and BAM! Now YOU are able to put it all together.
Step by step, everybody...just keep reading, learning and listening to your doctor within - the rest is just gettin 'er done!