Yes indeedy, the liver IS the "seat of the emotions", and you are not the first person to experience tears & weeping during a
Coffee-Enema (or after a liver flush). Aaaah, your poor liver is SO clogged - you're not going to buhLEEV how good you feel as you work through this cleansing series! And your emotions will be unclogged and they will heal too!
The body IS a miraculous work of art! And all systems DO work together (body, mind & spirit...and all the organs, too).
Your plan is PERFECT! (jeez, you are gettin' good, FAST!! I'm impressed! :o)
If it were me, I'd leave out the Blood DTox tincture and the
Black-Walnut ...neither will have that big of an effect on the liver flush, and there's no need to waste them right now, since you're focusing on the liver. The echinacea and the kidney tincture will take care of any possibility of an infection.
On the day of the flush, I like to ditch the IF#2 (so the fiber isn't all mixed in with the debris coming out of the liver - even though, the ES pretty much leaves a 'clean tube'). It's optional whether or not you want to take the liver tincture or do the CE's on flush day. I do Dr. Kelley's flush mostly, and his theory is to save up the bile all day (no oil foods, light eating until the afternoon like
The Clark Flush ), but he adds a
coffee enema early in the evening and then cream to stimulate the release of bile. So his flush goes "save up the bile till the afternoon", release some with the CE, release more with the cream, and then hit it with the oil/citrus.
The Clark Flush is "save it ALL up" for one huge release at the end.
Either way is effective (and I'm not trying to confuse you or suggest you use the Kelley protocol) - I'm just letting you know that it IS okay to do a
Coffee-Enema in the morning/afternoon if you want to do one.
I understand that you're a bit nervous, I was scared out of my wits the first flush I ever did...and I knew about CE's & liverflushes for years before I did one (from my mother in law!) - but that didn't change a thing, I was SCARED!
This flush is going to work - I've helped people that were so clogged that they got out stones with that ES/oil/CE combo before, and their first flush ALWAYS went just fine. It's only scary to US...your liver/gallbladder is doing the happy dance knowing you're going to be helping it cleanse and heal. That's all this is...just drinking some oil/citrus to flood the bile through the liver and push out the debris :)
Be sure to mix plenty of ginger juice in with the olive oil/citrus (I use two tablespoons), and you might want to brew up some liver tea and add some extra ginger to have 'at the ready' in case you feel nauseated during the night. And if you REALLY want to make sure you can't get into any troubles with any stones getting stuck, go ahead and brew up a CE...and if you have ANY discomfort in the night or the next morning, just do a
Coffee-Enema and it'll go away :)
I'm doing the happy dance here...and off to do a CE of my very own :)
Flush ON, TIERRA!!!