Tough questions, guys!
And I understand why you are asking them...we all want to do the exact right thing to relieve our miseries, as soon as possible.
However, we are only your neighbors...willing to hold your hand, and sympathize...but unable to diagnose or recommend.
We can tell you what we did that worked for us, but we have no knowledge of what is exactly 'right' for you.
There are at least two computer screens between us.
And, each of us has been where each of you are right now...needing to make common sense choices based on the best we know to date.
In the end, we all make our own decisions. I could guess, and write something of a plan for you...but you, at home, will decide if you want to, say, drink carrot juice, or, watermelon...your own preference, or what is available to you.
That's as it should be.
Many people on CureZone have written what they did, and what worked for good neighbors. And, you can Google each specific item and ailment to see what has been written about it before.
You can even Google what has been written about each specific item or symptom within a single forum.
In this one you have R.G.'s expertise, according to his studies, of what is 'in' many plants that may indicate your results...or may not.
I have read this whole forum, right from the beginning, and, generally speaking, I would guess that there are not many things you CAN'T have with Humaworm.
I mean, look how many different foods and flavorings people eat daily...Humaworm is designed to suit the majority.
Also, this is NOT an all or nothing proposition. If you feel it is, you might want to reconsider, carefully...take more time to study.
Humaworm is NOT 'pills' in the same sense as pharmaceuticals and what we have come to expect from pharmacists and the medical profession.
Humaworm is food, foods we may pick and eat out in nature, according to the wisdom of our families, handed down for generations.
And foods we may prefer, or reject, according to our own tastes...or according to how we feel at the moment.
My first dose of Humaworm was 1/4 of one capsule, in a little warm water...and I sipped it.
I didn't keel over, so, exactly 12 hours later I took another 1/4 capsule in water.
So far, so good, so I was able to go to sleep unafraid.
I even liked the taste. I thought it wasn't as 'bad' tasting as some had said.
The next day each dose was 1/2 a capsule.
Somewhere in upping the dosage, I finally took one whole capsule, unopened.
Bang! In an hour's nap I had the wildest psychedelic dream I had ever seen! I did not like it.
I was sure the dream did NOT come from the Humaworm. It may have come from some kind of toxin I was carrying inside and had released, or it may have come from the capsule itself.
More than that, instantly I swallowed a full capsule, I got heartburn. It wasn't heartburn beyond bearing, but I didn't like it. So, all doses of Humaworm from then on, I emptied the caps into some hot/warm water...and rinsed the cup with more water, and drank more afterward. Which helped my total water consumption.
When I began HumaCleanse, more recently, I found that those capsules did not disagree with me. I don't know why.
But, it wasn't until I went back and read the Humaworm webpage on 'our colon cleanser' that I realized I hadn't read the instruction to take enough water BETWEEN the capsules of each dose that I began to see the wisdom of drinking lots of water through the day.
From 0 to 2 cups per day, my consumption rose to 8 to 10 cups per day, for the first time in my life...and easily.
And so I began to learn.
I learned timing, I learned what Humaworm does for me, and how my body responds, and changes. I learned what foods do me good and refined my diet, somewhat.
And I learned a lot about my parasites, and more.
I also learned about the folks whose stories are glimpsed on CureZone.
Along the way I learned a lot about my own anxiety, and depression...and how 1% solution Himalayan Crystal Mineral Salts baths, footbaths, and hand baths completely banish anxiety, permanently, for me.
I hadn't even known that I was anxious at all! ...Until it vanished.
There are many paths to well-being. And more than one for each individual.
It all depends on where each person is in the functioning of their own body, and what they find nearby at this moment.
I can suggest that people give up soda pop, because I have read that others do better without it. I don't drink soda pop because I've found it makes me more thirsty.
That may be helpful information for you, or not.
You must read, and judge for yourself.
I suffered pinworms as a child, and was overdosed with senna and a few enemas.
Later, in my mid-teens, my brother was suffering with them again, and the whole family took some tiny pills of potassium permanganate. I have no idea if that was smart or not.
These are just personal experiences, and I could tell you of them just for a bit more information for you to consider, and consult about.
Most of all, I could tell you that I have found the exact right 'answers', for me, have turned out to be much more simple than I would have ever suspected.
The learning journey is absolutely amazing, especially in its simplicity.
I am constantly having 'Aha!' moments.
Oh, I do hope there is something for you in the experiences we write on these forums!
Choosing ones own way isn't easy, especially in early days...but it is so worth doing!
My best,