Re: Protien S or C deficiency
Hello there.
I am a 31 year old female that has protien c & protien s deficiency. This condition was discovered about 7 years ago. I was 23 at them time, and was working as a nurses aide in a hospital. I was at the nurses station when I came down with a terrible migraine. I had never had a migraine before, but there is a family history of migraines. I went to go sit down when I ended up vomiting and passing out. They sent me to the E.R. where they gave me IV fluids, caffiene, and pain medication. I was told to follow-up with my family doctor in the morning.
I made an appointment and he said that it was a classic migraine. He gave me some medication and ordered some blood work and CT scans. I went 2 days later to have the CT scans,and was called right away the next day that they saw abnormalities and I needed to see a neruologist. He repeated the CT scans and still the same spots appeared. So a boatload of tests began. They were concerned that I had MS or lupus. Amoung the tests were 2 lumbar punctures. After my first I had a migraine headache so bad I couldn't get out of the bed for 4 days. 30 days later came the second, because the first showed 489 white blood cells in my spinal fluid. (This is a sign of a flare up of MS or mengitisis.) The second tap was clear which either meant the flare up was gone or the mengitisis cleared up. 3 days later I noticed a marble sized knot in my arm. It wasn't painful, but it bothered me. This earned me another trip to the ER where I was told that it was a lymph node. After fighting with the doctor he ordered a doppler test, and discovered that it was a blood clot.
Again more tests. These tests concluded that I suffered from protien c & protien s dificency.
I am on life long cummodin treatment. I was told to not have any more children. After 5 years I was able to get an IUD placed which is non hormonal.
I have one child who is 12 years old. I had no complications, and he was born at 9 lbs 7
oz I did pass a softball sized clot after he was born, but they didnt seem to concerned.
I find myself now always having a headache in the front of my head. My heart will skip beats, and I will get dizzy. My vision will blur or I will sometimes have a hard time seeing in different lighting. I find myself to be slow to respond to people, and sometimes can not think of the right words to say. I am tired all the time, and often fall into my own world. my legs and feet will sometimes tingle, and my left arm goes numb.
I do not know if these are complications from the disorder or the treatments.
articles on this protien c and protien s are hard to find, and it seems to be very rare.
I would like to hear from others with this condition.