Ollie...about cleansing....
Yeah, 'letting go'....easier said than done eh??
Well, at least you are aware that you need to let go of past stuff that is burdening you. Have you tried writing about it? I think that writing down every little (and big) thing that you are holding onto and that is not helpful to your well-being...is verrrry helpful. You need to Express it! If you can't talk to a good friend about all of it then just write it all down, every bit of it...just let it all hang out. Even hitting a pillow or screaming underwater will help! And, of course, crying...it really depends on what you are not letting go of....just follow your intuition.
You know - have you ever done a liver flush?? Because, old bitter stuff (think bile!) is stored in the liver and when you flush - you do actually release old emotions that you have been holding on. It is oftentimes a reeeally good idea to do something in the physical realm (like a
Liver Flush or diet change or exercise change) in order to activate your spiritual/emotional Self - it's the old Alchemical dictum: as above so below. The Alchemists would do something in the physical over and over again (plant distillations etc) knowing that with their repetitions (it's all about repetition) they were transforming their Inner Spiritual selves (into Gold - we're talking about the real alchemists here not the charlatans)....I do believe that physical things can help, but really only because it helps to transform our beliefs - ya know? When you cleanse physically - you automatically cleanse spiritually/emotionally as well...
Also, by paying attention to your dreams you can see where you are in the process of letting go...write down your dreams and identify the FEELINGS you have in the dreams (if nothing else) - by examining your dreams and having Ah-HA! revelations you will grow more quickly...
And then, sometimes, as long as you're aware, you just have to allow yourself to feel what you're feeling, right? And know in your heart that you WILL release the stuff you need to let go of when the time is right....
Thank you for your lovely wishes...you are beautiful, Ollie!
love Tracey
Cleanses - and liver flush