Ollie, hello!
Sorry it has taken me soooo long to respond - but I haven't been having the greatest September/October either! (ugh) Luckily, today, I have found a bit of energy to respond to you!
No wonder you feel drained and exhausted Ollie - you have Saturn (the Restrictor) sitting right on top of your Mars (your Energy for DOING stuff, your Will, your Ego - how you feel about yourself, your Confidence) - so drained indeed! It's not a fun transit...
It peaked on September 11th - so, luckily the worst is over...you should be on your way to recovery right now (even though it is still perilously close) - the transit will come back a couple times over the next year, unfortunately (maybe this is why I shouldn't give readings when I'm not feeling very positive!! eek, sorry...)
But...let's see what this Transit is wanting you to do (positive stuff!) Saturn isn't conjoining your Mars just to be mean and make you feel terrible - no! Saturn is urging you to change something...
The transit is taking place in the 9th house of..Higher Education (are you in school right now? Do you feel the urge to go to school?), consciousness expansion, travel (you'd only travel for work or education - not for pleasure - can you feel that? I have Saturn in my 9th house and I LOVE travelling and pleasure, but right now I feel like I don't even want to travel - it would have to be for work, accomplishing something, learning something....do you feel that too?)...
Where have you been putting your energy (mars) Ollie? What have you been 'doing'? Whatever you have been doing with your Energy - Saturn is saying that you need to change this - you need to Focus, have Discipline and re-structure what you 'do'. There is a suggestion here that you probably want to do something that is Ideal, moral, beneficial to others.....and stems from your Considerate and Protective Philosophy! (how's that?) Saturn actually wants you to do it...and he can be a real task master!
What you decide to do right now might not be the thing that you end up doing as your Calling (that's coming, though, in the next couple of years!) but you should follow your intuition, make some changes and get some discipline and focus into your life here so that your Calling can gain access to you.
Disciplined Action - that was Saturn is saying...you'll have plenty of energy for that...
How does that sound? Does it make any sense? I hope so....and I hope you feel better Ollie (we Scorpio ascendant, Leo Moon types have to stick together!)...
much love,