Cause of last 4 months of hell?
Ok,I hope someone here might have an idea if mirena (or birth control in general) might be the cause of so many problems I have had recently.
I have been on some form of birth control since i was a teenager. I didn't tolerate estrogens so I switched to progrestrons like depo, nuvaring and yaz.
Long story short, got mirena inplanted in mid dec thinking a local only hormone would be great. Life has been hell ever since!
Starting in early jan I began developing several new problems. First I had such severe fluid retention that I had significant pitting edema on my shins and gained 12
pounds in around 2 weeks. I also couldn't pee (opposite of my normal overactive bladder). Most disturbing was the pain, numbness and tingling in my hands which was excruciating!
I felt severely ill and had dramatically increased brain fog, dizziness,
Depression and time lapses. I was also nauseated and my bloating got out of control.
Now, if I was a normal person I would have easily have said get that darn thing out now! But alas I am not normal and I figured this was related to something entirely different. I have had numerous medical problems throughout my life.
I had also just recently been playing with my MAO inhibitors. On my behalf, as a nurse I did at least check with my obgyn to ask if it could be causing my new probs for which she said no. I beleived her and left it at that.
Now 2 neurologists, 2 rheumatologists, 1 urologist, 1 allergist,3 MRIs, 2 ct's, dozens of lab draws, a single fiber emg and finally a regular emg/nerve conduction test later, I now only have more questions. I have gone from probable MS to a diagnosis of undifferentiated connective tissue disease (pre-lupus), fibromyalgia, and Myasthenia gravis (found incidently).
My thymus is enlarged and my blood antibodies make no sense and keep on a changin. My most recent diagnosis is carpal tunnel syndrome for which I have to have surgery on both wrists ASAP.
My myasthenia gravis diagnosis may also be gone as my antibody test cannot make up its mind. (Now this is the shorten and condensed version of the last 4 months and if it is choppy or incomplete, I appologize!)
Now I have heard woman complain of weight gain/hunger, acne, agitation/irritability, depression, muscle/joint aches/pains and lack of libedo all of which I have had. But regarding the fluid retention, carpal tunnel and autoimmune disease, I can't find.
My suspicion is that the fluid retention might have cause the carpal tunnel. As for the autoimmune conditions??? Silicone maybe??? I don't know. I have had on and off problems since i was around 19, so maybe the mirena exacerbated it or it may not be connected at all. Maybe I just really do that these problems for the hell of it. At this point I am really grasping at straws. But regardless of reason or cause, I know I am not insane (finally)! My body is at least showing the docs that I really do feel terrible. My one consilation prize!
I am currently trying to get this suc*** out. I have found this harder to do than one would think as according to both primary care and obgyn office say that only the inserting obgyn will remove it and apprently she is booked up and doesn't really want to take it out anyway.
Go figure!
Sorry for the lenght of post and any help would be great! THANKS!!