Re: green line
He he, well I think of my non-fasting "base weight" being me with no fresh food in my stomach and empty bowels, but a full intestinal tract, eg an hour after I have woken up, and before I eat or drink.
My fasting weight I think of as a completely empty digestive system, and perhaps with some reserves from body organs being put to use, so they are a bit lighter. The longer the fast, the more reserves have to be restocked, the greater the weight gain. I just regard fat as fuel, which is burned.
So after the fast I need to restock the stores, fill up the intestines, and get the system off batteries and back on normal engines.
In fact I think of fasting being like a submarine going underwater and running on batteries. On the surface you start using the diesels again.
I regard the batteries as being fully recharged when I start to lose weight on refeeding. After this point it's OK to fast again.
Strange how we have our analogies.