SARA, I am new user on this forum , although I was reading a lot on this forum . After reading so much about benefit s of Black seeds oil I thought of trying on my family .I bought two bottles of cold pressed black seed oil from Amazing herbs company which is on Amazon .com .I am giving 1/2-1tsp in 2 ounce of juice to my both sons just before 10-15 minutes of meal . Both my son are picky eater especialy 6 yrs old , he does not like any anything except milk . I am giving them homemade and fresh juice my food is mostly vegetarian and they eat meat2-3 time in a week. My elder is not found of any fast food or junk food . He does not like any fried or high fat food .
My 1 yr son was born very thin and small as i had gestetional diabetes and was on diet control and could not gained much weight . Soon his birth he was vomiting his doctor said he had reflx so did not gain much weight . Now he is not vomiting but getting frequent cold and cough once he got Bronchiolitis and twice ear infection.