Re: Excellent post
I was asking on the debate forum some time ago how long you have been on current food style but you probably didn't see it.
Now you said it. 18 months is still relatively short time as far as one can tell what you really like to eat.
I went trough weight reduction early part of eighties and for while it looked like mainly vegetarian diet was mostly my to liking.
I have said it again and again: One should listen the body.
Too restrictive diet didn't work for me. I am now eating wide variery of food including meat, fish and other seafood, dairy in limited qty, oils, plenty of fruit and vegetables. But not too much any of them.
If blood test results are any indication I am doing well as my doctor made a comment that my total cholesterol is one of the lowist he had encountered and the HDL is high.
Keeping in mind that our ancestors were predominantly hunter/gatherers for hundreds and thousands of years in various parts of world.
Although now in relatively short time the human race learned to grow cereal crops, it didn't make us to become total vegetarians/vegans.
I have no problems if some people choose to be vegetarian.
It didn't maintain my nutrition level and I know others who has also reverted back to normal.