Personally I would not take the tablets...I know nothing about it and would personally only order it from someone that sells the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement solution that Humble used...
But it is probably the same thing, I simply would not use it. It is the GAS that needs to be activated...but I know nothing about chemistry.
I have been reading heavily about Lyme...MMS seems to improve a lot for Lyme. There are videos from someone on youtube who has Lyme and he documented his story.
You can also see my blog I just started a few days ago..
From what I read, it greatly helps the symptoms of suffering associated with it...I do not know about a total cure....but you should get relief from it for sure. You will need to search more about people with Lyme on Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Hope that helps!
I think you will find you feel better for sure...
Wait until you get the liquid form...then you shall see.