Re: Getting well takes time and direction.
What a great story iloveamma, and you are a great poster/blogger!
I am very baffled by your story, but you are convincing me to switch over to the SilverFox/Tom MMS formula & protocol. That is because even though I am taking more MMS without any apple juice, I am just not getting the "punch" from MMS (the die-off reaction) that I first got when I took my very first MMS dose, which was 3 drops of activated MMS mixed with diluted apple juice via the Jim Humble protocol.
I am baffled because you are using so little of the MMS, highly diluted with water, and yet you are getting such powerful die-off reactions and even some positive health benefits so quickly. It seems to me like this is a "less is more" kind of thing. The SilverFox/Tom MMS protocol seems to involve using/drinking a LOT more water (TONS more!) with the MMS than the Jim Humble protocol does, and perhaps all that additional water used with the MMS somehow amplifies/aids the distribution & potency/efficacy of the MMS throughout the body?
I apologize that I have so many questions, but perhaps Tom will jump in here.
I have read your blog; you wrote (your text in italics):
"Today, my husband also made a 10% solution in 5 liters of water and I am drinking it also through the day. The water LOOKS glows."
Is this SilverFox's formula? So, the MMS keeps well throughout the day in all that water? Is any 10% citric acid solution added, and at what point? Is that purified (reverse osmosis) water?
"I awoke today and took 2 drops 28% in between a protein drink and found that it was not as effective as I wanted to to be"
Was this the Jim Humble formula? Did you activate the MMS with the 10% citric acid solution? How much water did you take with this dose of MMS?
"After 2 additional cups from the 10%, I only feel slight effects, but these are also on a full stomach"
So, you are findng that it is important to take the MMS drink on an empty stomach? Does SilverFox say to drink his MMS solution formula on an empty stomach? how does one manage to do that throughout the day?
"I only just now put it together that I started getting REALLY sick shortly after I had my amalgam fillings removed in 1994."
Interesting. I have heard that that can happen when the Mercury is not safely removed by a special holistic anti-Mercury dentist, who knows how to remove Mercury fillings from the mouth safely. A holistic anti-Mercury dentist will use several special techniques and special patient breathing & room ventilating equipment to ensure that the vaporized Mercury (the Mercury vaporizes as it is being drilled out of the tooth by the dental drill, which gets very hot) will not be inhaled by the patient. What sort of dentist removed your Mercury amalgam fillings?
"I am just praying it will take away whatever is causing this annoying twitching that has been getting progressively worse."
That sounds like a classic symptom of Mercury poisoning. Did this particular problem start happening soon after you had your dental fillings removed? If this is Mercury poisoning, I can tell you later if necessary about a brand new & highly regarded Mercury chelator product that was especially created for the Autism kids that came to market last year.
- cwk