1.) So you did NOT use a special holistic anti-Mercury dentist to remove your amalgam fillings, do I have that right?
2.) Do you yourself add the 10% citric acid drops immediately before you drink down the MMS drink, or else, do you add the citric acid drops to the MMS and then put it all in a lot of water and then just put the whole thing on the shelf where it sits for hours and you drink from it across many hours? That is, how long does your CITRIC-ACID-ACTIVATED MMS in water just sit on the shelf?
I will soon make a whole post here about that new Mercury chelator product which came out last year, which is the first chemical chelator product to come out in about 50 years.
Right now it is hard for me to post, as I am herxing (I have increased anxiety & confusion) from the 15 drops of activated MMS (per the JH protocol) that I took this AM, no juice, just 1/3 glass of water, and the peppermint lifesaver.