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Getting well takes time and direction.
Marlene2038 Views: 7,744
Published: 16 y

Getting well takes time and direction.

It has been about 18 months since I learned about Miracle-Mineral-Supplement from one of my mail lists. I started at a low dose and took it for about 10 months. It has been almost 9 months since I stopped the protocol. I never made it to the 15 drop dose but my MS symptoms in fact all symptoms of illness are still gone. I was tested by the Tahoma Clinic (Holistic) and diagnosed with candida, chlymedia pneumonia, Lyme BB, Epstein Barr, Mycoplasma and Black Berry Mold infection. I realized from my conversations with Jim Humble that the Lyme BB would probably go dormant due to the increased Oxygen levels in my body. He said the other pathogens would be destroyed by the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Lately I found that Spiro from Raintree products can destroy the dormant forms of Lyme BB. I purchased 6 bottles and started with 60 drops in water 3 times a day. Then I found that some doctors are recommending using it sublingually I tried this and had to drop back to 8 drops under the tongue 3X daily because of symptoms of die off. Both Ron and I have used the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and Spiro with corresponding good results. I have used holistic treatments to control and aleviate symptoms for 30 years. I have a holistic doctor and have used ozone therapy, chelation and many supplements as well as for the last 9 years have used LDN and Histamine. I believe for me all the treatments including 3 SCT have supported my recovery. The most astounding treatment was the MMS therapy. I think it has a better chance of helping us if we have a good diet and can keep the die off at a pretty high level. If one has cancer it is important to kill more cancer than can replicate. I believe the same may be true of many other pathogens. If I were to do it again I would follow the same protocol as it was very successful. I don't post often on this forum but enjoy hearing from you all via email. MMS is an amazing discovery and more power to Jim Humble for sharing it with us all with no expectations of personal reward. Getting rid of the pathogens, toxins and heavy metals (Mercury) is so important then we have a chance of rebuilding with proper nutrition and lowered immune system load. MW


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