I get bloated after I eat! PLEASE HELP!!
I Get bloated after I eat! I'm thinking about starting the Colonix Clea... by talielove 30 min 7 Forum:
Bowel Cleanse Support Cleansing. Subject: I Get bloated after I eat! I'm thinking about starting the Colonix Cleanse.
Username: talielove contact talielove email talielove
Date: 3/31/2009 11:23:29 PM ( 30 min ago )
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Hi All.
I have been going through a horrible time
with my tummy. About 4 months ago..I woke
up one morning with the most bloated tummy
i have ever experienced having. Eversince
then everytime I eat..my stomach gets so
bloated I look like a pregnant lady. I have
always been healthy and i'm at the weight I
should be. I don't get any stomach pains. I
don't get crazy gas..just normal, and I'm not
constipated. I have always gone to the bathroom
every 4 days and that has always been normal
for me..eversince I was younger I've gone to
the restroom this way and never had problems
and still don't with going to the restroom. I
go when I feel like and need to go. But, now
I am very confused as of what I'm going through
it sucks because the bloating does bother me
alot..it's just uncomfortable. I have a feeling
I might have gotten this way after eating pork
so often. I was eating pork almost every weekend
all last year..(I used to hate pork) but all of
a sudden I got this habit of eating it so often
until I started getting bloated like this..I
completely stopped eating it..do you think I could
hve picked up something from having so much pork?
well I decided to buy the colonix..and i'm waiting
to start it just because I've heard people say good
and bad things about it..but I have a feeling I
need to cleanse my body big time!! I never have and
I believe it's about time....Does anyody have any
kind of idea what I might have??? I have not gone
to the doctor as of yet but I am planning on going
since this bloating has gotten irritating now! I
need some advice!! Thank you!