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Re: vet's advice
bagsy Views: 13,688
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Re: vet's advice

I meant to mention -- I didn't get to talk to the vet when I picked up Haley, but I had the vet tech go ask her. She wanted to look at all of the results and recommended EpiPet. That is an electrolyte supplement. I haven't seen anything linking electrolytes to low phosphorous. I think she looked at some of the other borderline items that point towards an electrolyte deficiency and went from that. My opinion is that most vets, like human doctors, just say "come back in a couple weeks if it's not better" or "we can retest if you want". I think I ask a lot of questions, and she just wanted to give me something to hopefully satisfy me now.

Oh, well. Back to doing my own research. I'm used to that. When my last dog, Chewey, became diabetic I started doing my own research. That is when I learned about Cushings Disease and saw that she had all of the symptoms. It took me a couple weeks to convince my vet to test for it. He finally did, and she did indeed have Cushings. I had moved and went to several different vets in my new city before I found one that I trusted and believed and who did not get offended with my constant questions and sometimes alternative methods. Unfortunately I moved again and had to start over with not as much luck.



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