Before you go taking hydrocortisone, please be sure you really study all the possibilities. This can not be good for some.
If I were you, (and I am having the same problems) I would NOT rely on an MD to help you with this. If you are in advanced stages, chances are very good that whatever they give you will make you worse.
You really need someone who is an expert at knowing and treating this condition. Reading Dr. Lams site has been the most validating thing that has happened to me in nearly a year. The doctors were also telling me to see a shrink...and I wanted to kill all 7 of them who did not help me and indicated it was all in my head and I should take antidepressants...because THEY did not know how to examine a body properly.
He tells you everything you need to know on his site
Please make sure you read must study and read all over here before you go taking the first thing suggested.
Hope that helps!
get well soon!