Re: might help with nausea
Have you tried a cool cloth on the back of the neck?
Also, there is a thing people do for sea-sickness and carsickness, which I am guessing affects the body in a similar way... sometimes sold as a bracelet device, it's all about a place on the wrist, which is connected to a meridian (which is why I suggested EFT, back awhile ago: because it too, resets the meridians).
Anyway, the easy version of this is to put an elastic band around the wrist. Don't think it matters which one, but you might google that when you feel well! It shouldn't be tight, just fitting enough it doesn't fall off. When you feel a wave of nausea, you snap it back (against the inner wrist). Not too hard, just enough that it's like an insect sting or some such.
said to help. do let us know, if you decide to try it.
~~~~ The nausea sounds like an extreme version of the wave of nausea a person can experience with low blood sugar. Maybe the pancreas are doing some deep adjusting. This is when I'd probably be considering an enema, just in case of overburden, I have to say -- even though I didn't do one in 29 days, didn't feel the need, and generally would rather leave well enough alone.