Sinusitis 20 years block nose and some headache only, fungus?
My wife suffers with sinusitis for 20 years. She got the cold when she was a teenage and overused those drug (decongestion stuff), and since then has one side almost 100% block and the other 50% block. She doesn’t have any other symptoms such as running nose. Just block nose and some time pain pressure on the side 100% block. When the weather is cold and humid, the symptom gets worse. When the weather is dry like in the winter she feels better. We live in Florida, so in winter the humidity is about 40-50%.
About 3 years ago, she did go to two doctors and they all said is allergy and gave some flonase or some thing like that. Definitely we know is not, since she suffer this days in and days out, no big up and down, and the drug is not working anyway.
Another thing is when she do some exercise like jogging, she feel a little better after that. She just doesn’t have the time. Our diet is tilt to the vegetarian side, no diary, a little meat.
Any advice? I plan to take her to see the doctor again and doing research to find a good doctor.
And what fungal sinusitis like? Does she seem have it?