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Re: Adrenals may be the root im not sure
dragonfly7 Views: 2,672
Published: 16 y
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Re: Adrenals may be the root im not sure

Hi Meg,

I just stumbled across this thread and, this may sound weird, but I feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one who's been through all of this. But I was wondering, have you tried working on the OCD? I had serious OCD for about 5 years and it was getting to the point where I felt like I was exploding inside if I saw my boyfriend put a spoon in the drying rack the wrong way. I was scared to let him see how bad I'd gotten so I saw a therapist. She was really helpful.

This is what she had me do: I sat down with my boyfriend, brother, and parents and told them what was happening. I explained to them that this was causing so much stress in my life that I couldn't stand it anymore. Than I asked if they would help me get over it. They all agreed so I made sure they each had a key to my house and they would go to my house when I wasn't home and move things around. Not a lot at first. Just little things like moving the clothes around a little bit in the closet or rearranging a shelf. I would come home and, of course, immediately I knew someone had been there and it would only take me seconds to see what had changed.

At first I moved things back, recreated the patterns that made me feel so comfortable, but I had to stop, take a deep breath, and resist it because I knew it would help in the end if I let things change. This went on for a few months and eventually I got to the point where I could put things away like a normal person. I still wanted to stack the plates so they were color coordinated but I didn't. This process took several months but I'm completely cured. It's been about two years now and those things don't even cross my mind anymore.

Now, obviously this didn't cure all of my problems or I wouldn't be on curezone. But what it did do was dramatically decrease that rage that pulsed through my body so often. And the stressing I did over not locking doors and turning off lights. That kind of stress is so hard on your body. I found that, even though I'm still suffering through health problems, at least I don't have the rage and confusion anymore from OCD.

Just some thoughts. Hope it helps!


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