Hey scarface,
You are right on about the adrenals, but this thing is multifaceted and has no easy cure. I am glad you are feeling better with the adaptogens. Maybe they are your "key". When I look back over the course of my nightmarish life, believe it or not, I was once the person that drives people crazy with optimism and hope. I ALWAYS saw the silver lining in every situation. I have only become this negative, pissed-off person since this thing has taken hold---seriously. I look at old pictures sometimes and think...who was that person?! Anyway, I just think I developed leaky gut at a very young age(like 2). My mom admits I had Antibiotics probably every day of my life from 6mos to 5 yrs old. I had the vaccinations, I was not breast-fed. I remember being way more tired than others my age. I did hit a stride from about 18-24yrs. Haved no ideas why??? I think maybe the leaky gut has developed in an area that may be more vital to health or something. I'm older now and I do know things don't repair like they once did AND the adrenals are less efficient with age. So maybe if you get those adrenals back in tip-top shape now, at your age, then you'll knock this thing out for good. As you say scarace---Good One!!:)