Thanks Miss LaurelQueen,
I'll look for that book. When reading the Seth books, they really opened my mind and really taught me how to relax and to meditate.
My body resonated with pleasure with the peace and contentment of being in the state of becoming. I became a part of Nature and all its wonders. I sought only the good in all beings.
I was on a mission to cure my vision which is far sighted. I was determined that if I could relax enough, and if I could will my involuntary muscles of my eyes to relax, that my vision would be corrected.
I knew this because I always felt a straining of the muscles in my eyes to see.
One day, as I layed quietly meditating and be thankfull for all that is, I had acheived what I set out to do. The tugging of my eye muscles totally relaxed. It felt as though a rubber band behind my eyeballs had loosened.
I looked across the room. And everything was in perfect sharp hairline detail! I looked to the other room it too was sharp as a tack. I had acheived total relaxation! The involuntary muscles of my eyes finally relaxed. This realization caused me to become so excited I tensed up again. The vision blurred.
This totally relaxation only occurred a couple of times since. My life changed and circumstances with it. But again I feel like I am becoming closer to being able to meditate with total abandonment.
Body cleansing also cleanses the mind. I am feeing the positive effects of parasite, liver, kidney, bowel cleansing. I am in a position to being able to treat my body as the temple that it is.
I can appreciate the oneness of All That Is with a less toxic body.
It is wonderful to feel wonderful.
But my mission is on. To dedicate time to deep breathing and meditation which will inevitably create the mindset for intuitive channeling and mental powers beyond the ordinary.
I always love a new book.
Cutie Pie