Hi there;
I'm not sure if you really are saying that you want to truly be anorexic, which can be fatal, or just be really thin. Regardless, I think Weight Watchers is an excellent program. I have done it for years with much success. They teach you how to get at the reasons you eat when you're not hungry as well as how to make healthier choices. Most people have emotional ties to food that started in childhood. It's also nice, because you see that you are not alone nor that this is a quick fix. Usually people, like you and me have weight issues for life. It's o.k., because you learn how that small changes can have big impacts on your life.
So, that is what I would recommed. It's a lifestyle change not a diet. Also, you will NEVER go hungry and you will see an increase in energy and your mental outlook.
good luck,
healthful reader