Re: Jaw clenching dreams
I have heard that teeth falling out in dreams is very symbolic. I too have had
dreams where my teeth slowly splintered and fell out. Here is something
I was able to find on a website Tracey gave me:
Dreams about teeth falling out are quite common and can mean one of two things. The
first is to do with having children. (Animals carry their young around with their teeth). This
type of dream can be triggered by a number of things.
-Approaching menopause and therefore losing the ability to have children
-A physical problem leading to an inability to have children
-Not feeling capable of raising a child
-Your children are ready to 'leave the nest'
-Wanting a child but your partner doesn't
The other thing it can indicate is that you are in a situation where you cannot assert
yourself. For example, if you work for somebody who is overbearing and your right to be
assertive is not catered for.
I don't know about jaw clenching though.
take care,