And here is another interpretation on Teeth falling out: Dreaming about teeth is very common in all cultures and age groups. Most dreams about teeth leave people feeling uneasy and anxious. Teeth
usually symbolize power and/or control. Animals use their teeth for defense and nourishment and show their teeth when angry. Humans often display similar behaviors. Look and see if you are losing or abusing power and control in any area of your life (especially if you are losing teeth in your dream).
*This interpretation feels more accurate to me.
Michael at the Aisling site ( concentrates on the child connection. But when you think about teeth, what do you really think about? What springs to my mind is that you NEED them. You need them to chew food (nourishment) and you need them to be in our world, really - or else you'll look like a freak! (awful, but true!) those dreams (I've had those awful dreams on occasion throughout my life and I would say the 'child' interpretatin doesn't fit at all for me) I would say that there is an awful fear of LOSING SOMETHING THAT YOU NEED.
A long time ago I remember hearing that dreams of losing teeth meant that you were insecure. And that seems pretty accurate to me. When I've had those dreams, when I examined my state of mind - I WAS insecure about something - which made the fear stir up in me and then produce that awful feeling of losing your teeth and ending up a total freak! (the insecurity spreads so much that even you LOOK bad - end up feeling self conscious etc etc)
So, my interpretation would be that you're feeling some kind of insecurity.
Wow...when you relayed that dream to us it just seemed SO familiar! I was right there experiencing your dream with you HunnyBee! Isn't it just the most ghastly feeling ever!?
That's great that you're not having them as much now! What age were you when they were happening all the time? Do you think that you are more secure now? Does that fit?
If they come back, full-on, which I suspect they won't...hopefully we all gain confidence and security about who we are as we get older!...I suggest just examining what part of your life/self could be causing you to feel insecure, unsure and afraid.