Re: Anthelmintic Series: Cloves - Microbes & Bug Repellent - Part 4
>> What you've said contradicts parasites infections
Yes, I can't fully explain it yet but the best way to understand this is to think of what we have found with iron.
We have seen more than once that iron deficiency is eliminated by taking IP6 which chelates iron.
Huh? How come? Because iron as copper is used to oxidize and if too many oxidizers are in the body (Hg, MMS, etc) the body tries to dump them instead of holding on.
So instead you become deficient of iron yet toxic with rust same goes for oxidized copper.
Certainly the remedy appears to be multi faceted:
- Chelate the offending oxidizers, Hg
- Chelate he oxidized metals, Rust, Copper etc
- Supply fresh copper, iron with diet or supps