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Re: 2 Questions - 5% or 2% Lugol's, and "bio-identical" hormones
Anja Views: 4,344
Published: 16 y
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Re: 2 Questions - 5% or 2% Lugol's, and "bio-identical" hormones

thanks a bunch! I will check out David Wolfe, that name is familiar. I have been taking magnesium, but maybe it's not absorbing, I've been wanting to try transdermal mag. oil and will talk to Dr. Brownstein about that. I have read that the fibrocystic breast thing is greatly helped with iodine, and that often a lack of Iodine may be the reason. Same thing with cystic ovaries. They also say that fibrocystic breasts increase your chance for Breast Cancer later, and for all we can deduce from that, it could be because a lack of Iodine sets you up for cancer in addition to the FBD. It would be incredible if something as simple as Iodine supplementation could cut cancer rates in half. If not more. I wouldn't be surprised if it would. I'm pretty sure I'm estrogen dominant based on my symptoms, and I am still totally open to doing bioidentical hormones in addition to iodine if the iodine alone doesn't solve it. I'm still not sure it's a good idea for women to continue menstruating into their 50's, 60's and 70's, having more estrogen circulating, but if there are enough benefits and few enough risks, I would do it. I gotta admit I was looking forward to no period as one of the few perks of aging, assuming I had good health otherwise.

It's interesting what you mention about meat and dairy because I was primarily vegetarian for a number of years, but when I had to remove grains and legumes because I just could not tolerate them from a digestive standpoint (and started to question whether humans are really adapted to eat them, anyway), I began adding a lot more fish and chicken (and even beef occasionally), along with dairy in the form of goat yogurt or my own long fermented cow's milk yogurt as well as some chesse to sort of make up for the lack of grains. I felt too hungry on just veggies and fruits, and I can't eat too many nuts, so the meat kind of filled in the blanks. I think my breast tenderness has actually been worse since doing that, and I did recently put 2 and 2 together that the hormones in even the natural meats and dairy are probably affecting me. So, I am going to return to something along the lines of a raw vegan diet for awhile, with a little steamed veggies and maybe some wild salmon once a week or so. A more healing diet. It'll be easier once the weather warms up, particularly when my garden starts producing. I am sprouting sunflower greens inside, but this year we are doing veggies in the back yard for the first time.


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