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Re: about forums being used to spread political propaganda. (and who started the war in the first place anyway?)
Garrity Views: 1,731
Published: 16 y
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Re: about forums being used to spread political propaganda. (and who started the war in the first place anyway?)

How sweet you are Refreshed to welcome to your forum. I am both pleased and honored. I am very shy and really not much of a chatter and have been on curezone for a few years but chose not to post. I just watch and listen. Recently I saw a post in a debate forum and felt the need to communicate.

I think TOS guidelines should be stressed to everyone but I felt maybe Xenia was unaware of the severity of breaking such rules. Not my business really.

I know all about Ml and like I said, I love the guy. I think he has tons of info and check on him often. I know about your healing also and love the post where you stood up to him and told him you could find out where he lived, his wife and his kids. I thought that was a cool debate. I see ML, has a great deal of respect for you and I honor him for that.

I do not follow the ML protocol but like many I am here to learn. I hope that he can teach me much. Maybe I will post again, lets wait and see.

I see you are here to support him and he is very lucky.




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