Hi refreshed,
Your comment: ML: "I believe the Good Book has something to say about those whom Mis-lead the Masses with False info?"
Perhaps the rest of us see this differently about the mislead masses? They are our husbands, wifes, children, grandchildren, family, friends and such. We have had a chance to see many of these people come to a closer understanding. Perhaps not perfect, complete acceptance of this protocol but at least a closer move day by day.
If we don't have patience, hope and love waiting for these people to come to understanding, why should we bother to be a light? We were all in this fallen condition at one time. I don't think we are to ever give up on helping people find Truth...each in his own time.
Answer: Maybe we are thinking about Different things?
I would totally agree with you, that we need Patience etc as you have suggested !
My comment was about those in Society trying to Sell the Masses their products for a Profit, using False info to do the job !
Not about the Masses not comming to the Truth as Fast as we would like !
I believe that as long as a person is Deceived by Satan, they shall remain Deceived, until God opens their eyes to see the Truth? Once they have had their eyes opened to the Truth, there is --NO-- More Forgiveness for them, if they Now decide to continue in their old ways !
This is where we may be seeing it Different, because most folks that Really learn the Truth may be willing to change !
The folks whom have been told, but really Never have Seen or Grasp the Truth shall remain deceived and may continue in their old ways?
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Smile Tis your choice.