--Repeat is here again?--Magnesium vs Calcium
Hi Ya'll,
Most folks have heard the story about Pete and Repeat who went over the bridge and Pete fell into the River, so who was Left?
Repeat was left, so the story is repeated again?
What is it they say about repeating someones research?
Then what is it they say about Repeating a Bunch of Research from Many different folks?
Then what is it they say about someone who spends their time Repeating what others have Claimed, without themself knowing if it is True or False?
What is it they say about someone who Repeats False info and Claims it to be Truth?
Here is a recent Quote in an article promoting the need for Magnesium:
"Magnesium is a muscle relaxant, while calcium is a muscle constrictor".
Answer: While I would agree with the Great Importance of Magnesium, thus WHY I suggest taking a small pinch of Epsom Salt(Magnesium Sulfate) in water with each meal, as a very effective way to provide our body it's needs in a Very Cost effective(Much more Cost effective than this person suggested), I will have to Disagree with what this person is Repeating !
Calcium and Magnesium are both Alkaline Minerals and both may help Relax the muscles !
It is the Excess Acids that may Cause Muscle Constriction to come about !
The Trick to understanding the Truth about Calcium and Magnesium in this, may be that for -1- unit of Magnesium it may have 1.4 times the Energy potential than -1- unit of Calcium, thus it may take 1.4 times More Calcium to Neutralize the same amount of Acids as -1- unit of Magnesium?
When there is a shortage of either Calcium or Magnesium, the one present has to do all of the Neutralizing of these Excess Acids by it's self, thus many times there may come about an shortage of the other needed Alkaline Mineral, which by the way needs to remain in a range of ratio to each other suitable to balance the functions of the body !
It may be when this needed ratio between the Calcium and Magnesium gets out of Balance, that our bodys Suffer with Pain and Sickness !
What is being Repeated here that Calcium Causes the Muscles to constrict, may be another case of Repeat, Repeating False Inf? End.
Another Quote: "Thus the dominance of calcium over magnesium produces symptoms of muscle spasm. Migraines, eyelid twitch, heart flutters, back aches, premenstrual tension, leg cramps and constipation are all linked to calcium overload. Excessive calcium may also result in kidney stones (1 in 11 Americans) and heart valve calcifications (mitral valve, 1 in 12 Americans)".
Answer: Then Repeat Contradicts himself with the following Quote:
"Note: For optimum health, magnesium and calcium intake needs to be at about a 1 to 2 ratio. So, if you supplement with 500 mg of magnesium, you should supplement with 1000 mg of calcium (or less if you get plenty of dietary calcium and little dietary magnesium)".
Answer: As anyone may see that is able to read correctly, Repeat is 1st Claiming Quote: "calcium over magnesium produces symptoms of muscle spasm." Then they Claim Quote: "if you supplement with 500 mg of magnesium, you should supplement with 1000 mg of calcium"
Answer: Does anyone see the Contradiction?
In the 1st Claim they are Claiming if one has their Calcium ratios over(Greater than the magnesium) their Magnesium ratios that this produces symptoms of Muscle spasm !
Then they Claim if you supplement with 500 mg of magnesium, you should supplement with 1000 mg of calcium (They then Claim we need Twice the amount of Calcium as Magnesium) !
As usual when folks suppose themself to be Experts and are just another Repeat, they may make many False Repeats, when they do not have the Truth ! End.
another Quote: "Magnesium is a natural calcium blocker, but this goes unrecognized by most physicians".
Answer: This idea that Magnesium is a Calcium Blocker may be another False statement?
But, let us see if we can figure out WHY someone would make this kind of statement?
The most likely reason for this kind of statement may be that Magnesium has 1.4 times the Energy Potential to Neutralize Acids as Calcium may have?
Thus to those whom may be Good at being Repeat and not think beyond their nose, their thinking may Stop here?
What can we learn from Nature about this?
In Nature we may find Calcium and Magnesium Carbonate together in Natural form !
We can take this and react it with an Acid and Both the Calcium and Magnesium will attempt to Neutralize their Respective amounts of Energy Potential of the Acids reacting against them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neither of them will Block the others potential to Neutralize Acids, they will work together as God Designed them to work !
Of course if the person whom Repeats without Knowing the Truth, I guess we could excuse them for the 1st Repeating of this False info and Blame it on them being Deceived by Satan the devil, who has most folks Deceived with False info anyway?
What will we have for them as an Excuse, if they see the errors of their ways and continue to Repeat False Info to others Seeking for the Truth?
Did not Jesus state that when we have had the Truth revealed to us, but choose to continue in our old ways of Deception, that there remains --NO-- More Forgiveness for US?
Cause and Effect !
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Smile Tis your choice.