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Re: Chapter 11 in your Timeless Secrets Book
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Re: Chapter 11 in your Timeless Secrets Book

I know that Andreas' post is 3 years old, but I was looking through his posts and their wisdom, and find that I do not agree with him on this one. If you can live on a low protein diet (I mean low by today's accepted standards), Andreas, well, good for you and please continue until the end of your days.

But we are not all the same. Some people have lost - or never had - the ability to synthesize all the proteins that they need. Merely "breathing and eating sensibly" won't cut it for everyone. About 35 years ago, as a young person, I went on a vegetarian diet quite similar to yours, out of respect for animals and growing revulsion to "meat". I was fine physically & mentally until I got pregnant in my 30s, 12 years later. While I had not wanted or craved or eaten cheese or other dairy all those years, I developed a desire for cheese that I can't even describe - it was that intense. So I ate it and felt so much better.

Through pregnancy & breastfeeding, I had to eat much more protein than ever before. Whether this all means my liver was plugged or some other pathology, I do not know. I know that I did the right thing to indulge my powerful cravings at that time.

It's now 15 years later and I still need more protein than I did during the first 12 years of being a vegetarian. Now, I eat more legumes, dairy, eggs & fish. I cannot help it. I need it. We are not all the same, sir.


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