These changes occur and I believe it indicates that your last flush depleted the pool of bile salts. Bile salts can take some time to replace and this may be critical if the pool size is small and the bacteria of the gut has been changed; albeit temporarily. It is thought that some people have a naturally low pool of bile salts and this results in a history of mild digestive problems throughout their lives and relates directly to the probability of forming gallstones. Usually about 90% of bile salts are recycled. That is absorb in the intestines (the ilium) and returned to the liver. Obviously a Liver Flush alters this equation.
The size of the bile pool is affected by the recirculation and people with coeleac disease (gluten intolerance) often have a damaged ileum with impaired absorption resulting in a low bile salt pool. People with a sluggish gallbladder function or no gallbladder also have a low bile salt pool.
People with an unbalance mix of bacteria in the gut can have impaired absorption of bile salts. Fibre introduced into a diet can increase the synthesis of bile by 20% over a period of about 4 weeks. Fibre reducing the formation or absorption of some bacterial bi-products, which impairs production of some bile salts.
You could try reducing the amount of daily flax oil until the bile pool is replenished.